“Our customers were understandably very unsettled. In the past, they were able to save hundreds of euros by switching. But new-customer rates were suddenly more expensive than their existing contracts – even if those older contracts had themselves been subject to significant price hikes. Although our business model in the energy sector is based on brokering electricity and gas contracts, we as a company quickly realized that the crisis demanded transparent, open, and honest communication. We need to give people guidance and help them get through the crisis as well as we can,” says Lundquist, describing the importance of Innovation as a value for Verivox. Verivox’s team responded swiftly to the shifting landscape: Placing informational pages prominently on the Verivox website, they worked to enlighten consumers, explaining the crisis and ongoing price trends as well as pointing out ways to save. This guidance took the shape of articles and videos that the company also promoted through its own social media channels and flanked with marketing campaigns.