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Louisa Hofmann

Nina on our value: Goal Orientation

Each of us devotes their skills to the success of the company. We take responsibility from beginning to end in all matters great and small. We share an awareness and understanding of our goals and know which to prioritize. We always strive for the best solution. Yet we are prepared to compare goals and priorities, adapt these to current events and make adjustments if necessary.

480 speakers

Five thousand people are gathered in the MARX HALL in Vienna. Everyone is glued to the stage. With Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen and Chancellor Karl Nehammer present, Volodymyr Zelensky makes his first live video appearance in Austria, speaking about the war in his country. The president of Ukraine appeals to the world at large, asking for support. Taking place at the 4GAMECHANGERS Festival 2022, this was the kind of moment that raises goosebumps – and in this case was experienced by more than three million Austrians across all platforms. Bannered “The Power of Cooperation,” people came together in the heart of Vienna to change the world for the better and discuss solutions for the future. Appropriately, the event itself was based on cooperation rather than competition. For the first time in Austrian media history, ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4 organized its international digital festival as a co-partnership with ORF. “This cooperation with our biggest national competitor came as a total surprise to the market,” says Nina Kaiser, a member of the ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4 Management Board and Cofounder of 4GAMECHANGERS. “We’re a small country and we need to stick together on global issues and our shared future, or we won’t have any impact. ‘The Power of Cooperation’ is also a philosophy of life for me. It’s always better to do things together rather than alone.”

90 sponsors and partners

Nina and her ten-member team have been organizing the festival since 2016. As an intrapreneurship project within ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, they handle all the associated tasks themselves, from drawing up contracts with sponsors to marketing and event management. They think and act as entrepreneurs by funding all expenses through the event’s own income. “The world is spinning faster. Everything is becoming blurrier. With this event, we can get closer to new stakeholders,” Nina says. The festival is divided into three days: 4PIONEERS Day, 4FUTURE Day and 4GAMECHANGERS Day. On each day, opinion leaders from various sectors of industry speak in exciting panel discussions and offer presentations on topics such as tech and innovation, climate and sustainability as well as jobs and education. From the get-go, the event has been inspired by the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. “With each program focus, we try to make a meaningful contribution to one of these overall global goals,” Nina explains. In this regard, they have been very successful. But for her, this is no reason to stick with the status quo because she and her team live and breathe Goal-Orientation as a value: “I never want to say, ‘We’ll do it this way because that’s the way we’ve always done it.’ Every year, we make a fresh effort to find the best solution. Within the scope of what’s possible, we set our goals higher every year. And sometimes it doesn’t get bigger, it just gets different. COVID-19 was, of course, a huge challenge for us. We had to stay completely flexible.” In 2020, the team had to cancel the 4GAMECHANGERS festival only three weeks before its scheduled opening. In consequence, they broadcasted a completely digitalized version on TV the following year. This made it all the more gratifying to at last meet again in person in 2022 and rekindle networks of industry contacts.

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