The "On Campus" model - with Martin

In order to establish a modern, hybrid working environment and to consider the diverse requirements and needs of our colleagues, we have developed the four models On Campus, Traveller, Flexible and Highly Remote together with our employees. Each department decides on one of these working models and thus designs its own individual working concept. But what exactly does this look like?

In this blog post, we present the On Campus model in more detail, which has been chosen by Martin Emele, Managing Director of Seven.One Production GmbH, and his team. In this interview, he explains the reason why and shares what he personally values most about it. 

You can find all information about hybrid working at ProSiebenSat.1 as well as details about the other working models here


Why did you decide on this model?

For certain activities at our company, it is simply not possible to work remotely. This includes, for example, large parts of the production area. In studio production, the daily work of presenters, directors, the camera team and other production staff takes place entirely in the studio. Due to their job profile, these employees spend most of their time on campus.

How do you live this model in concrete terms?

Although it is indispensable for the majority of our staff to be present on location, we have learned a lot from the last two years. For example, we are now represented in studio productions with significantly fewer staff members in the control room. There are also areas where we have only just learned that it is possible to work remotely - for example in post-production, i.e. video and audio editing. At times, a third of the staff worked from home. Some of them continue to work remotely. We are curious to see how this will develop.

What advantages does the model have for you?

From the beginning, it was clear to us that we would work in the production area in the "On Campus" model. But it was also important for us to have different sub-models depending on the specific area of activity and to use the flexibility of hybrid working where it makes sense. For example, the hybrid working models bring new impulses for the colleagues from the playout centre who work in shifts and rarely see each other. Personally, I also include working in a home office in my daily work routine. I often work more focused remotely and so it sometimes makes little sense for me to be on campus but only in video conferences. But I wouldn't trade the life on campus with its special spirit for anything.