

For a better tomorrow - this is what the umbrella brand #OneTomorrow, which bundles all sustainable activities across the entire Group, stands for. We take our corporate and social responsibility as a media group seriously and want to link sustainability aspects even more closely with ProSiebenSat.1 's corporate strategy in the future.

The initiative is based on the three pillars Climate & Environment, Public Value & Corporate Citizenship, and Diversity & Inclusion, derived from the strategic action areas of our sustainability strategy.

Sustainability bei ProSiebenSat.1

Climate & Enviornment

We are committed to environmental sustainability and climate protection!

... through internal and external activities in all segments that serve climate protection and the achievement of climate targets. In June 2020, we announced our intention to reduce the ProSiebenSat.1 Group's operational CO2 emissions to zero by 2030 and thus become climate-neutral. We want to achieve this goal primarily by reducing energy consumption and purchasing electricity from renewable sources. The "GreenSeven Week" and various environmental theme days are further examples that address the topics of climate and the environment. Furthermore, we are working within the framework of the "Green Productions" initiative to continuously make our television productions more sustainable. You can find further information about climate & environment in our sustainability report.






Public Value & Corporate Citizenship

We form opinions and promote democracy!

As a media company, we are aware of the increased attention and pursue the goal of using our reach responsibly. With formats, theme days and attitude campaigns, we want to bring socially relevant aspects into the public focus via our platforms. Initiatives such as "Flutwein" from Seven.One AdFactory, theme weeks such as "Mutmachwoche" and campaigns such as "Geh Wählen" are examples of our commitment in this area. For instance, ProSiebenSat.1 partnered with a media alliance to broadcast the Special Olympics World Games and hosted the "Green Seven Week" to raise awareness of environmental protection and sustainability among viewers. During the show "Joko & Klaas LIVE: Die Schatzsuche," almost 40,000 people registered as potential donors for DKMS. Moreover, we regularly leverage our reach to facilitate emergency aid. Through a reach-based donation to "Aktion Deutschland Hilft", we raised 5.7 million euros for those affected by earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Since 2011, ProSiebenSat.1 employees have also supported the startsocial competition as jurors and coaches, helping social initiatives with their expertise in a wide range of areas.






Diversity & Inclusion

We love and live diversity - every single day!

In all In all our segments, we are committed to the issues of difference, individuality and diversity in our society. Our theme days, such as Pride Day or International Women's Day, stand for this. We are also involved in initiatives such as the "myAbility Talent® Program", which supports students and academics with disabilities. You can find more information here on the careers page Diversity & Inclusion and on our Karriereblog.