The "Travellers" - with Marc & Robin

In order to establish a modern, hybrid working environment and to consider the diverse requirements and needs of our colleagues, we have developed the four models On Campus, Traveller, Flexible and Highly Remote together with our employees. Each department decides on one of these working models and thus designs its own individual working concept. But what exactly does this look like?

In this blog post, we introduce the Traveller model in more detail. Marc Rasmus, General Manager Kabel Eins, and Robin Schaumann, Senior Manager Operations Kabel Eins Doku, give an insight into why this model is the right choice for the Kabel Eins Brand Family, how they use the days on campus and what works better from home.

You can find all information about hybrid working at ProSiebenSat.1 as well as details about the other working models here


Why is the "Traveller" exactly the right model for you?

M: To be honest, we were all very surprised at how naturally we could move to the home office at that time and how flawlessly remote working worked. Some things even worked better remotely than in the office. (laughs) But we realised very quickly that personal exchange and togetherness are really essential for our business. We are very happy that we can combine the best of both worlds.

R: For us, the best of both worlds means that we work both on campus and remotely. We are always on site on the same two days of the week and have the option to work mobile on the other days. Through the office presence, we have direct, physical exchange with our colleagues every week and, as Marc says, this is essential for our work.

How do you use the two days on campus?

M: We have learned that there are different types of meetings - informative and productive ones. Informative meetings are usually more extensive, you bring your colleagues up to date and exchange information. These meetings work very well virtually. Productive meetings, however, are different. Here we want to create something together, discuss and review things. That works much better in person. On our two office days we want to concentrate on productive meetings and at the same time have enough time for exchange. Have lunch together again, drink coffee and spin ideas.

How much did you miss working together in the office?

M: Having to deal with people virtually every day actually gives you the feeling that you know each other very well. But when you see these people live in the office again after a while, you realise how impermeable this digital system is and how much you actually miss. Looking each other in the eye in real life and asking "how are you?" has a completely different physical quality! We are very happy to meet our colleagues regularly in the office again.