
Michael, Chef vom Dienst Communications Sport & Sprecher Kabel Eins

Always up to date with Corporate Communications

From our annual report to our social media channels and the numerous events we stage, our tasks and topics are as diverse as our company’s portfolio as a whole. That is why our Corporate Communications department is divided into two areas: team ‘Corporate Communications Strategy & Finance‘ holds, above all, responsible for the executive committee’s external and internal communications. Apart from quarterly statements, the financial and sustainability report they also arrange the Group’s annual general meeting. In all their tasks they work closely together with team ‘Corporate Communications Content Creation & Channels‘. When it comes to storytelling, these colleagues are true experts. Posting texts, pictures or videos on Twitter, the company’s website and the intranet, this team journalistically edits different content for all internal and external channels of communication. The department is completed by the Event Management team who organizes internal and external events. While we may deal with very different topics, there is one thing we have in common: we all give ProSiebenSat.1 a face.

You think that communicators write only press releases? You could not be more wrong. We from team Corporate Communications render complex issues intelligible, we convey our company strategy, we work as an interface between internal and external stakeholders and we are the number one contact for all journalists and colleagues. In other words: we communicate on all important channels – externally, internally, 360 degrees.

Best entertainment in the Communication/PR division of Seven.One Entertainment Group

The Communications & PR department is responsible for strategic communications and product PR, both externally and internally. The team takes care of fast and reliable communication between the various business units and representatives of the trade and general press, answering questions about programs as well as business models, managers and innovative offers with respect to all areas of the Seven.One Entertainment Group. This also includes the brand families centered around the channels ProSieben, SAT.1, Kabel Eins and sixx, communications for the Group-wide marketer Seven.One Media, and communications for digital offerings - from platforms like FYEO or Smyle - , the offerings of the digital media company Studio71, the sports business unit Seven.One Sports, and other areas.

The team creates PR concepts, composes and distributes press material, organizes press conferences, interviews, on-set visits, manages twitter communication, is responsible for the community management on social media and conducts strategic as well as crisis PR. As such, the unit acts as an interface between many business units of the company (channel heads, editors, marketing, digital, etc.) and externally (journalists, faces, agencies, photographers, influencers, viewers, etc.).

Our division includes the following Communications & PR units:

  • Show and Comedy is responsible for all show and comedy formats including their hosts.
  • News, Sports, Factual & Fiction handles PR for factual and reality formats, reports, documentaries, news, sports shows - in addition to their hosts - as well as German and international films and series.
  • Furthermore, the Unit Strategy, Digital & Sales cares for PR on all topics related to sales, digital, content and distribution, new business areas for Seven.One Entertainment and the Company's strategy.
  • Photo Production & Editing handles the visualization of the entertainment offering and produces its own photo productions.
  • Audience Relations/Social Media is in direct dialog with viewers and their concerns via e-mail, mail and social media.

Do you like to communicate, have a passion for writing and enjoy understanding complex situations? Then Communications department is definitely right for you. In addition to a good writing style, you should also have a diligent and structured way of working and enjoy preparing information for different stakeholders. As a communicator, it is also essential to make contacts and build relationships – openness and curiosity about new things help here immensely. Since we are an internationally operating company, a good knowledge of English is a must for us. Team spirit is also important. Many threads come together in our departments and especially large projects can only be managed as a team. You can find yourself in our words? Let's do it – we look forward to meeting you!

"Hausgemacht" - with Kevin


Want to learn more about working in the departments communications & PR P7S1?

We were behind-the-scenes at the production of "Hausgemacht," the podcast from ProSiebenSat.1 careers, in which colleagues share their very personal ProSiebenSat.1 moments with us and give insights into their everyday working lives.

This guest has something to celebrate: Kevin Körber is celebrating eight years of service at P7S1. He has been part of our #P7S1crew since 2015 and has since developed from editor to senior PR manager. Together with his colleagues, he takes care of program communication and is significantly involved in the communicative positioning of formats such as "Wer stiehlt mir die Show?". In the new episode, he reveals why working at #P7S1careers still feels like a walk through the land of milk and honey, why he enjoys presenting, and what excites him so much about communication & PR.

Listen now: "Homemade" - with Kevin Körber (Podcast has been recorded in German).